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Karey Pohn
2 min read
Synchronicity, Liminality, Paradox, Chaos, and the Transcendent Function
Jung’s concept of archetypes as having two different poles—instinct (red) and image (blue) combine in the color purple and also in play.

Karey Pohn
1 min read
Tricksters come in all different shapes and sizes. I not only looked at Jung’s article on the trickster (Jung, 1954/1990) but also Tarnas’s

Karey Pohn
1 min read
M. Fox, (2002), Myers (1999), and H. Gardner (1993) explore the soul and anatomy of creativity, while von Franz (1978) explicates the nature

Karey Pohn
1 min read
Eternal Return
Grof (1998a, 2000a, 2000b) also explicates the transpersonal or archetypal nature of the birth process which is seen in Eliade’s (1954/1991b

Karey Pohn
1 min read
Cosmic and Cosmological Play
Swimme (2001) discusses play as being one of the primary qualities and energies of the universe in addition to creativity, allurement and en

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Play History and Theories
In an effort to situate my dissertation in the current play research, I reviewed developmental, evolutionary, and cultural theories of play

Karey Pohn
1 min read
A Continuing Overview of the Literature
Because play is tricky, many categories overlap and lead into each other. Sometimes a category is betwixt and between other categories.

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Saved by the Stone!
I had been struggling with a way to tie together the many disparate topics that I wanted to cover, and it dawned on me that the Telesphoros

Karey Pohn
6 min read
The Personal Part
I have been called to play since my first quarter at Pacifica. Over the course of my studies at Pacifica I have been drawn to a few...

Karey Pohn
6 min read
The State of Play Today
When I think about play today, the image of Tinkerbell comes to my mind. I saw a stage version of Peter Pan (Barrie, 1928) when I was a...
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