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Karey Pohn
8 min read
Great Moments of Western Play or Play’s Greatest Hits
D. L. Miller (1970) not only discusses the history of play and game theory since Homo Ludens, but also brings us back to the origin of ideas

Karey Pohn
2 min read
The Play’s the Thing—A Persistent Pervasive Notion
Play, Huizinga (1944/1955) argues, is older than culture. Some of our animal ancestors have been very playful indeed.

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Inquiring Minds Want to Know:Is it Just One Big Divine Oops?
Just what is the nature of this play? Did the Divine know what it was doing? Could this all be one horrible mistake? As we have just seen a

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Mechanics of Trance-Endence? — To Find a Way Out!
In the “Haunted Mansion” at Disneyland, after entering you are shown into a room, and then the walls close, and as the room begins to lower

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Getting Involved
It's very involved, actually, and literally. As we have seen, according to Hindu philosophy, the phenomenal world, which we take to be real

Karey Pohn
7 min read
Maya At The Movies
As participators in the creative, transformative power of the imagination, we make our own illusory reality, "mini-maya" through visual arts

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Artful Universe?
The gods, as previously mentioned, are seen as artists and the universe is the creation of their imagination, so in addition to being a divi

Karey Pohn
4 min read
"Oy Veil"—Help I’ve fallen and I Can’t Get Up!
Later Indian philosophers, however, had a different view of maya, and they often used the term maya to convey “the mind’s pernicious and mis

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Cosmic Hide and Seek—We’re It!
Zimmer gives an example from the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, which speaks to the playful nature of the Goddess’s maya and why she lets so

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Roots of Maya
While we are on the subject of the poetic basis of consciousness, language springs from this as well, and thus belongs in this way to the Di
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