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Karey Pohn
1 min read
Broadway au natural
Many musicals and plays that would later make their way to Hollywood graced the Broadway stage before appearing on the silver screen, includ

Karey Pohn
5 min read
Innovations, Discoveries and New Views Illustrated
Americans reached new technological highs in the 1960s, as many things that had before been previously only imagined became a reality.

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Doug’s Daring Demonstration
Even in the mid-1960s the computer industry could not really wrap its head around Engelbart’s ideas, because they could not conceive of peop

Karey Pohn
4 min read
Doug’s Dream
Engelbart had been a radar technician during World War II and had come across Vannevar Bush’s article 1945 “As We May Think,” which was a ma

Karey Pohn
1 min read
Meet the Man Behind the Other Mouse
The year after Martin Luther King made his “I Have a Dream” speech, Doug Engelbart got funding for his dream.

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Space—The Final Frontier
The Space Race was on during the 1960s and the United States continued to lag behind. According to Jennings and Brewster (1998), the space

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Civil Rights and Wrongs
While civil rights had been seeded at the turn of the Twentieth Century with the Niagara movement and WEB Dubois’s novel Up From Slavery, an

Karey Pohn
5 min read
Taking It to the Streets—A Very Violent Time
The 1960s began with the building of the Berlin Wall, separating East and West Berlin, presaging what a divided decade the 1960s would be.

Karey Pohn
4 min read
You Say You Want a Revolution . . .
During the 1960s a revolutionary spirit seemed to sweep through the Zeitgeist.

Karey Pohn
1 min read
Rebellious 60s Retrospective—The Startling Sixties, A Dynamic Decade
The 1960s were an amazing time—amazingly inspiring and amazingly violent. As humanity soared to new heights, and landed a man on the moon,
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