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Karey Pohn
2 min read
Hench and Van Pelt (2003) point out that the use of color is especially important as part of the language of vision and in their book

Karey Pohn
11 min read
Disney’s Complementarity Principle
Niels Bohr is not the only one who realized the importance of complementarity, Disney did, too, although the other way around.

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Care and Cleanliness
Disney’s creativity has a lot to do with the letter c, so let us “C” how Disneyland does it.

Karey Pohn
12 min read
It's All an Illusion
The illusory nature of reality, or maya is an aspect of the Cosmic Game that reigns supreme at Disneyland.

Karey Pohn
4 min read
Liminal Lessons
Mary Poppins’ Liminal Ludic Lessons Mary Poppins has shown us the power of the imagination to change our world, the need for love,...

Karey Pohn
3 min read
New Nanny Needed
“A British Nanny” –to the Tune of “The Life I Lead” George then decides to take matters into his own hands in hiring the next nanny. He...

Karey Pohn
8 min read
Happy Endings
The children come down to the second floor landing, near the place where they first encountered Mary Poppins.

Karey Pohn
9 min read
George Gets It
George receives phone call from the bank and is requested to report back there at 9:00 pm.

Karey Pohn
16 min read
Chaotic Interlude
The children, having escaped the chaos at the bank are in a state of chaos themselves;

Karey Pohn
6 min read
Let The Bifurcations Begin
“The Fidelity Fiduciary Bank” is the next song we hear.
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