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Karey Pohn
5 min read
Application to the Dissertation
Hermes is integral to hermeneutics; he is also at the center of Jung’s stone, and has played a central role in my dissertation and my life.

Karey Pohn
16 min read
Deepening Understanding
Now that we have the “lay of the land” of hermeneutics, we can proceed to explore a few of the concepts that will be central to my dissertat

Karey Pohn
6 min read
Explanation: The Field of Hermeneutics
The hermeneutic circle was anticipated in Plato’s notion of recollection or anamnesis: we can learn about the unknown only by recognizing it

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Hermeneutics: Origins and Etymology
Hermeneutics, the study of understanding, has ancient roots. It comes from the Greek word hermeneuin, “to interpret” and is associated with
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