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Karey Pohn
2 min read
Transferring to Transference
The repetition compulsion is expressed in the transference, where the client repeats behavior patterns with his therapist that occur in othe

Karey Pohn
2 min read
As If . . . It's not Just a Valley Girl Expression.
Chapelle (1993) says that the compulsion to repeat imaginatively, as in the Fort-Da game, is a compulsion to repeat by means of a likeness,

Karey Pohn
2 min read
You Can Learn a lot From a Game—The Ooh and Ahh Behind Fort-Da!
hapelle (1993) begins by discussing the repetition compulsion as a concrete example of the eternal return. Chapelle's discussion of Freud’s

Karey Pohn
4 min read
Importance of Origins
Depth psychology recognizes the importance of going back to origins, to childhood, to word origins, and to the enduring archetypal images fo

Karey Pohn
1 min read
Depth Psychology’s Preoccupations and Praxis
Chapelle (1993) in his book Nietzsche and Psychoanalysis discusses at length how the eternal return appears in psychoanalysis.

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Nietzsche’s Notion
Nietzsche’s Zararathustra is the teacher and advocate of the eternal return, “that everything that has ever been, and that is will return et

Karey Pohn
1 min read
Paradox to the Rescue
We can leap out of time and therefore arrest its flow through paradox, which is only fitting, for remember that paradox got us into this mes

Karey Pohn
6 min read
Here We Go Again—The Eternal Return
Shiva, the dancing god of death and rebirth, who dances the continual destruction and renewal of the universe is perhaps the ultimate symbol

Karey Pohn
4 min read
An Ouroboric Perspective and The Limitations Of Linearity
Linear time and linear perspective have dominated the modern world until the turn of the Twentieth Century, when we started looking at thing
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