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Karey Pohn
3 min read
Shall We Play a Game?
In the movie WarGames (Badham, 1983), Matthew Broderick plays a teenager named David Lightman who hacks into a Silicon Valley computer that

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Reprise—Putting It All Together, the Play of Gods
Handelman and Shulman (1997) summarize the fundamental intuitions and recurring perceptions that seem to pervade all of these panels:

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Dancing Is My Life
Shiva’s dance exemplifies this internalizing erotic process.

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Tapas: Is It Hot in Here or Is It Just Me? (Fusion & Reintegrating Separated Pieces of God)
In various myths, Shiva assumes the form of a yogi. Through internal practices, known as tapas, or "internal heating," Shiva achieves great

Karey Pohn
1 min read
Together Again: Erotic Union—Reunited and It Feels So Good . . .
From time to time, Shiva and Parvati play for kisses and erotic recombination is the result. However, more often the dice game separates th

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Don’t Try This at Home —Violent Reintegration
Handelman and Shulman (1997) tell us that Andhaka/Bhrngin is the unavoidable and logical outcome of the dice game.

Karey Pohn
8 min read
It's Getting Dicey in Here
The adjective "dicey" means involving or fraught with danger or risk, and that’s a good way to describe what happens when Shiva plays.

Karey Pohn
6 min read
The Myths
The mythology of Shiva’s dice game (Handelman & Shulman, 1997) explains the creation of the phenomenal world and goes something like...

Karey Pohn
2 min read
The Monuments—Shiva in Stone
The caves of Elephanta and Ellora contain sculpted stone panels that along with the linga (the phallus of Shiva) depict several...

Karey Pohn
2 min read
The Hindu god Krishna, a manifestation of Vishnu, known for his playful and mischievous lila stories, inspiring festivals and devotion.
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